Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DRAFT happiness and health

Happiness is a state of mind, a pleasurable feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction this emotion is the key to a healthier life, which everyone hopes to obtain. Most people who are happy make healthy choices, such as food, fitness and avoiding things that are bad for them. Studies have shown that happy people attempt to have healthier hearts and cardiovascular systems which could help people stay healthier. It also provides lower chances of developing certain kinds of diseases or even helps fight them. When happy the body feels relaxed and it is good for their self esteem. These things prove that being happy does make you healthier.

No one likes being sick but everyone gets a simple cold every once in awhile. People get sick in many different ways and most of us rely on medicine to heal us. To be less likely to catch an illness, we have to improve our immune system in order to avoid getting sick. As stated by Emma Medu, (Writer of the article Simple Rules How To Improve Your Immune System) “Being happy and generally content is a key to having a good immune system.” being happy can actually help boost one’s immune system. Her study shows that “feeling good and being content will raise serotonin.” The medical definition of Serotonin is an organic compound formed from tryptophan and found in animal and human tissues. It is active in vasoconstriction, stimulation of the smooth muscles, transmission of impulses between nerve cells and regulation of cyclic body processes. Having enough happiness will cause your body to be healthy and it can also help deal with certain illnesses such as cancer, AIDS or heart diseases. Research led by Dr. Karina Davidson of the Columbia University Medical Center shows that “being a happy person and adopting the attitude of being happy can provide powerful protection against coronary heart disease.” In her study she examined about 1739 healthy adults who were men and women. With this study she had proven that “Positive affect was associated with a reduced risk of 10-year incident coronary heart disease.” Being happy, enjoying life and even simply smiling is a powerful measure against coronary heart diseases.

One very important factor of living a longer, healthier life is inner strength and confidence. A way of being happy is trying to find an antidote for each emotion and that is by looking at the inner emotions, anger it self. It can look dangerous and menacing but having to think about ones anger then they would realized how unimportant and small it is. The anger within the person would end up vanishing and by doing this process each time it will dissolve little by little. When being happy the decision people make can lead to healthier choices such as food and fitness. It is a proven fact that certain foods may directly influence a person’s mood, even if it is only for a short while. For example, chocolate helps induce a calm, euphoric sensation by stimulating the release of serotonin and endorphin in the brain. Another example is tuna, which helps increase focus and concentration. This explains why some people eat chocolate when they are feeling depressed, which proves that their mood helps influence a person’s decision on what they eat. Many people eat certain foods according to their feelings. People spending long hours at work may be “in the mood for some tuna.” In a way, even if that person does not know that tuna improves concentration, their body knows this, so they habitually buy themselves a tuna sandwich during their lunch break.
Laughter is an audible expression of happiness. Aubrey Hepburn who was a famous actress who said, "I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person." when people are depressed they count on laughter to cure them. Some people use certain kinds of medications and other use things more natural like “laughter yoga.” Laughter yoga started by Kataria, she believes that “ true mirthful laughter can have a liberating transformative effect, one that momentarily erases all practical concerns, fears, needs, and even notions of time, and provides a glimpse into spiritual enlightenment” (81). And she also affirms that “ yoga is based upon the scientific fact that, even if you laugh for the sake of laughing, even if you are pretend laughing, your body cannot tell the difference” (80). Even if you are just faking that you are laughing the process will be the same more air will exhale than inhale which is a good way to help your body and mind release all those negative things and put them aside while you are enjoying your time laughing.

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